Useful tips for perfect food for grilling

Simply place the meat on the grate and that’s it? That’s no longer enough nowadays. In recent years, grilling has developed rapidly and offers you many ways to get the best taste possible out of the food you want to grill.

The good news: none of it is rocket science! We therefore show you here what is available and how it’s down – so that you can shine with the right technique at your next grill evening.


Even if your friends are hungry: The grill must have reached its operating temperature before you use it. The charcoal should be completely covered by a gray-white layer after around 30-40 minutes – then you can begin!


Use the right charcoal! Our beech grilling charcoal and the BBQ charcoal briquettes glow faster, more uniformly and healthily, and what is more, the environment was protected during their manufacture.


If you want to enjoy the full meat flavor: Don’t turn it too often! This allows the flavors to caramelize undisturbed on the surface.


Fish on the grate quickly becomes dry. Oily fish withstand minor cooking errors relatively unscathed – it is therefore best to practice with salmon or trout until you get a feel for grilling fish.

Cooking time

Allow your food time on the grill! If you can easily detach the meat from the grate it is time to turn it. Don’t pull it if you still feel resistance – and don’t turn your meat more than four times, otherwise it will become too dry.

Two fingers thick

Two fingers thick for juicy meat: Make sure that you pieces of meat you place on the grate are around two to three centimeters thick, so that they do not dry out on the grill; thin meat becomes tough much more quickly.


Pre-marinated meat can be bought quickly, but usually contains flavor enhancers and preservatives and is often inferior. If you marinate your meat yourself, you know what’s in it – and it tastes better anyway!

Attention, oil

Remove surplus marinade from the meat before you grill it – dripping oil can start a fat fire. Better still, grill indirectly or to use a grill pan or butcher paper.


Skewer your vegetables for grilling. Cut pieces of vegetable are tedious to handle individually, the initial extra effort of skewering them is therefore worthwhile. Strung on skewers, the vegetables are much easier to turn and everything is uniformly broiled.


If you have ever been annoyed on cutting your meat to find that it is not yet cooked or is overcooked: A meat thermometer can save you regrets. You always have an eye on the temperature and prevent the meat from becoming too dry by cutting it open and rebroiling it.

Room temperature

To allow the food you want to grill to cook through more evenly, you should warm it to room temperature before you broil it. So take it out of the refrigerator or cool box early enough.

No beer

Even though many people do it and it looks cool: You should not quench the grill with beer. It has no effect on the taste because the liquid evaporates quickly. It also swirls up the ash and it lands on your food. That is not appetizing.


Organize a system for yourself with which you maintain an overview of what you placed on the grill first and when you have to turn which food. For example, always sort from left to right or in a clockwise circle, starting at “12 o’clock”.


Do not leave food that is ready on the grill, since it will dry out. Much better: Cover the cooked meat and place it to one side – it then stays warm and tender.


It is best to use stable barbecue tongs to turn your food on the grill. Forks are practical but prick the surfaces. This not only causes your food to loose moisture and become dry, but the meat juice can also drip into the charcoal and thus release harmful compounds.

Order charcoal

Treat yourself to the sustainable beech grilling charcoal products for unforgettable BBQ moments! Simply order online and enjoy barbecuing!

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