Certified charcoal

The classic proFagus beech grilling charcoal range originates from PEFC or Naturland-certified, sustainably managed forests and controlled sources. In addition, they are subject to regular monitoring by TÜV RheinlandThe »plus« in DINplus stands for particularly low ash content and particularly high carbon content.

proFagus also has several other certificates to offer.
All certificates and what they mean are available here:


In September 2012, we successfully received PEFC certification. This means that we proved that we use the raw material wood in a resource-efficient way.
Among other things, this means:

• The amount of wood felled does not exceed that which regrows.
• Where trees have been felled, the area is also reforested.
• The forest remains a safe habitat for animals and plants.
• The origin of the raw material wood is legal.

For the product that bears the seal, this means: The complete manufacture of the product, from the raw material to the end product, is certified and is controlled by independent assessors.


Naturland campaigns for the maintenance of high standards in forest management, as well as in other areas such as agriculture and fisheries. For us as a grilling charcoal manufacturer, this means a great deal of responsibility that begins with the use of resource-efficient wood. Our manufacturing process especially, plays a decisive role in this, it includes, e.g.:

• Energy-saving wood drying – wherever possible, with renewable energy sources.
• Charring process in unique retort process.
• Environmentally-friendly packaging and short transport routes.

In 2003, our beech charcoal was certified by Naturland for the first time – at the time, the first beechwood charcoal to be certified in Germany. Since 2023, our charcoal is again available with a Naturland certificate.


The FSC seal ensures that the wood used for our beech grilling charcoal production comes from sustainably, managed forests. Compliance with 70 social and ecological criteria, including working conditions, the rights of indigenous peoples, and sustainable forest use, ensures that the environment is protected and social standards are met. Consumers can therefore be sure that FSC-certified charcoal is an environmentally-friendly and socially responsible choice.

TÜV Rheinland

Grilling charcoal and BBQ charcoal briquettes are manufactured by heating air-dry wood. The wood charring can take place in easily controllable steel retorts, as at proFagus. Depending on the technology used and the care with which the raw materials are selected and during production, different qualities are produced, which vary in their yield, in their volatile constituents, and their ash content. Charcoal products with the TÜV seal meet the requirements of a challenging list of criteria and are monitored regularly by TÜV Produkt und Umwelt GmbH.


DINplus differs from the DINGeprüft symbol, the sign of standard compliance, and declares quality characteristics of a products that extend beyond the requirements of the standards.

The symbol combines the worldwide known DIN institute symbol with the »plus« of the product’s documented added value. The »plus« are particularly lower ash content and particularly higher carbon content.

Dekra (previously EN ISO 9001)

The manufacture of our beech BBQ charcoal briquettes is certified by Dekra. This includes the production of retort charcoal, acetic acids, pyrolysis liquids and tars, flavors and mixed extracts, manufactured by a wood charring process, sale and dispatch of our products, and the design and development of new packaging and products.

DIN EN ISO 50001

Due to our unique production method, we are able to obtain more than 90 % of our energy requirement by using the byproducts of the charring. At the beginning of 2016, we therefore began the introduction of an energy management system with the goal of systematic and continuous improvement of our energy-related performance. This has been certified since 2016 in accordance with EN ISO 50001:2011 for the production of retort charcoal, acetic acids, pyrolysis liquids. and tars, flavors and mixed extracts, manufactured by a wood charring process, sale and dispatch of these products, and the design and development of new packaging and products.

Kosher KOF-K

The Kosher KOF-K emblem is a registered trademark. It is the sole property of the international KOF-K organization. It stands for high-quality, tested kosher quality. Only products and services that meet these standards receive permission to bear the KOF-K symbol. The KOF-K organization is made up of experts with different specializations in kosher food production. This worldwide organization has regional rabbinic representatives, who are all solely orthodox. The rabbinic representatives of KOF-K live in Jewish communities in North America, Europe, Israel, Mexico, and Canada. They regularly visit the kosher food suppliers. Every aspect of a product or service with KOF-K certification is carefully examined by kosher experts.


Through Islamic Information Documentation and Certification GmbH:
Islamic Information Documentation and Certification GmbH (IIDC) is the only provider in Austria, Germany, and Hungary that can meet the strict requirements of Halal certification. The authorities of the Republic of Austria confirmed this for us by issuing a commercial permit for management consulting and quality management for halal certification.
Our certifications cover all goods and services that require halal safety for Muslims and are offered worldwide.

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