We plant new forests!

We have always advocated for resource-efficient production and actively meet our responsibility still further.

Protection of our domestic forests and woodlands is a matter particularly close to our heart.

Serious storm damage and forest fires – climate change has become increasingly visible in recent years. The impacts on our domestic forests and woodlands are huge.

We at proFagus are not willing to simply sit back and watch, we want to do something, and actively support the environment.

Together with PEFC Deutschland, since 2019, we have been organizing national and regional tree planting campaigns, thus ensuring the forestation of our forests and woodlands. So that future generations can experience and enjoy nature too. We do not achieve this goal alone. We do it together!

Our Root Camps

In cooperation with selected customers, 9 winners with their partners and own children are invited to each Root Camp, to spend an interesting forest weekend including accommodation and full board.

Since April 2019, we have already held more than 10 Root Camps in various locations in Germany, and together with many hardworking helpers, we have already planted over 14,000 new trees.

Trees planted
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Root Camps
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School classes

In addition to our popular nationwide Root Camps, we also organize regular reforestation campaigns with school students. These are daily campaigns, in which the young people help to plant new trees in a previously defined piece of forest. In recent years we have managed to introduce numerous seedlings into the forest floor.

We not only want to do something good for our homeland and the environment, but also make the next generation more aware of the need for forestation. However, in addition to the educational mission and work, endless fun is also had by all. The school students are always highly motivated and are pleased to make their own contribution to environmental protection.

Together with regional schools, we will plant further trees in the future too. For our domestic forests, our environment, and for the next generation.

Campaign in stores

It was never easier to participate in our planting campaigns. In cooperation with several of our sales partners, our pledge is:

proFagus will plant one tree for each bag of GRiLLiS purchased during the campaign period!

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